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weekend project | planting a herb garden

weekend project | planting a herb garden

I’m one of those people that kills my herb plants on a regular basis. With a severe case of suborn determination I’ve embarked on my next project, to plant an indoor herb garden. As winter draws in the idea of gardening may not be on most peoples minds. I’m clinging on some hope by planting a few herbs into pots to survive the winter. Some herbs like rosemary can happily stay outside, they seem to love the garden. What I’m focussing on are the delicate herbs that I like to cook with such as thyme, sage and dill etc.

I’ve got some great new Edge pots by Skagerak that will be perfect for this project. The strong clean lines of the pots are a perfect contrast to the naturally wild looking herbs.

They say a plant lady is the new cat lady, you can clearly see Hansel’s reaction to that! hahaha

weekend project | planting a herb garden

When planting an indoor herb garden, I have a few tips.

  • Set up a little potting area, I like to use my steel fold away table which doubles as garden table too
  • Choose your pots.  I have a lovely shallow 38cm diameter pot that’s perfect for mixing herbs.
  • Get potting soil. I think a multipurpose one is fine.
  • Lay small stones in the bottom of the pot, this aids drainage within the pot. The top with soil.
  • Plant your herbs, don’t pack them in too tightly, make sure the roots have room to grow a little.
  • Top again with soils and water gently.
  • Place the pot/pots on the window cill or nearest natural light. and hope for the best!

weekend project | planting a herb gardenweekend project | planting a herb gardenweekend project | planting a herb gardenweekend project | planting a herb garden


Bow table   |   Garden trowel   |   38cm Edge Pot   |   Potting soil

Ok I better bring this inside and try to keep them alive!

happy planting

H x

1 Comment

  • Reply City to Cottage November 27, 2016 at 6:12 pm

    I’m both a plant lady and a cat lady, Hansel is just as cute as this pretty herb garden!

    Tunde xx

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