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urban jungle bloggers

    Danish design

    Garden inspiration at the Skagerak showroom in Copenhagen

    I feel like this year has been the moaniest year for weather talk, you know who you are… Now the sun has been intermittently gracing us with its presence it seems that all is forgotten. I for one am super excited about sitting outside on top or under a blanket surrounded by nature. However, completely unprepared with my garden. I’m hoping to turn it from a soulless a new built plot to a peaceful, slightly wild place to relax in. My…

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  • How to grow an avocado plant
    My home

    How to grow an avocado plant

    Like many people, I’m an avocado addict. Last year I started experimenting, saving some of the avocado stones and attempting to grow beautiful plants. I had MANY failed attempts, mouldy stones and stones that did…

  • My home

    repotting cacti

    Repotting cacti has been on my to do list for a while now. After discovering that they are August’s houseplant of the month it was a sign to pot them on! The idea of…

  • Urban Jungle Bloggers Plant pop | Hannah in the house

    urban jungle bloggers | plant pop!

    I’m happy to be joining in with the online project ‘urban jungle bloggers’, created and ran by Igor of Happy Interiors Blog and Judith of Each month bloggers (like me) are given a brief…