Beauty in the simplest of forms. Dutch designer Lex Pott, known for his Pivot shelves for HAY and Transience mirrors, has produced this incredible Spring scissor in collaboration with Nomess Copenhagen for the Wallpaper* handmade exhibition 2015.
‘The idea behind the product has its roots in traditional Asian craftsmanship. The Spring Scissors are designed with spring steel so they reshape to the original form after use and they are symmetric and suitable for left as well as right hand use. The distinct graphic and sculptural features added by Lex Pott transform this ordinary tool to an artistic object.’
When visiting the Danish design show northmodern there was an incredible stand showcasing the progression of this design ending in the final product and showing it’s made from just one piece of spring steel. A true celebration of design, minimalism and functionality, plus it’s suitable for lefties like me!
I love the simplicity of this design and looks great in black but also comes available in brass, copper or a chrome finish. Becoming the next big nomess copenhagen fan I’ll be putting this on my stationary wish list among many of their awesome products.
H x
buy these spring scissors here
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